北大社科院USR參展海報--USR EXPO 2018

北大社科院USR參展海報–USR EXPO 2018

國立臺北大學在地社會實踐NPO育成與永續計畫:邁向服務、協力及組織化 Creative Cultivation and Sustainable Development of local and social practice Nonprofit Organization in National Taipei University: Toward Services, Cooperation, and Organization.

計畫slogan 推動帶狀循環且多元化的「大學城系列節慶」,將「北大」與「北大特區」融合成國內嶄新的「大學城」生活典範

簡介 曾敏傑為社工系教授兼社科院院長,曾創辦財團法人罕見疾病基金會,以其長期投入社會關懷及NPO治理之豐富經驗,期待帶領小而美的精實計畫團隊,探索大學和社區共同推動在地社會實踐計畫。預期成果為結合社區代表、弱勢人口群代表及校內教職員代表,推動成立可永續執行在地服務方案之非營利組織-社團法人北大社會實踐協會,並透過育成及茁壯該NPO組織,以延續及開發弱勢群體在地化服務之方案,並期待逐漸擴及其他在地社會實踐行動。

The leader of our project, Dr. Tseng, Min-Chieh, is a professor of Department of Social Work and the dean of College of Social Science, NTPU. Dr. Tseng is the founder of Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders. Because of Dr. Tseng’s long-term involvement in social enterprise and his abundant experience on governing NGO, we are confident that we have an excellent team working together to promote this experimental social practice project and to explore the potential of cooperation between universities and communities. In the long run, our project ultimately aims at establishing a sustainable nonprofit organization, Social Practice Association, in NTPU. This NPO should function independently and become a bridge between NTPU and local communities. The major members of this association will be delegates of local communities, deputies of minority groups and representatives of NTPU, and they work together to promote sustainable local services schemes. By cultivating and strengthening this NPO, our goal is to invent new services schemes for local minority groups and to expand our social practices in other potential areas.

欲解決的問題 三鶯樹地區原民及老年比例高,都市原民部落常有社會適應議題、北大特區為退休人口聚落;部分身障機構缺乏足夠專業與志工人力,個案輔導與社會支持低;攜子入監女受刑人之幼兒缺乏正常社會關係,容易影響身心發展。專業會議評估後,以最能引發師生學習應用與社區共鳴為主,即鎖定原住民、婦幼、老年及身心障礙為主要對象。

解決方案 曾敏傑院長規畫時,評估、盤點校內可運用之資源、校外可連結之單位,於推動過程逐漸掌握、串聯本校師生能量和在地特性,並進一步調整、修正以建立可行之作為;為連結大學與社區之間的交流,更建立一系列北大與社區之帶狀節慶,透過關懷與服務弱勢,以及一般社區民眾,進一步打造大學與社區之特色,以落實大學社會責任實踐。

未來願景 本計畫特色在於追求永續性,深知計畫有結束退場之時,但是熱情可以延續,同時組織也能確保永續,因此特別期待以育成社團法人北大社會實踐協會為終極目標,並透過理監事的制度設計,使大學與社區代表共同運作、共同治理該NPO,並使該在地NPO扮演大學在地實踐之平臺,如此的良性循環不已,在地社會動能不止且合作關係穩定,也方能達成更長遠的大學在地實踐效益。

計畫場域 新北市三峽區;新北市鶯歌區;新北市樹林區;桃園市龍潭區女子監獄。